Wed, 24 July 2019
Hello and welcome to Front End Chatter Episode 98, the One Less Than Jorge episode, verbalised and spuffed into noughts and ones with the roadside assistance of and their insuring overlords Bennetts, the bike insurance guys and gals. And it’s a short and sweet episode this week, as we clear the FECsack in preparation for FEC100 (live at Cadwell Park near Louth, Lincs, on Tuesday Aug 13th), including:
Thanks for listening!
Thu, 18 July 2019
Apologies for the late arrival of FEC#97 – delayed by unexpected items in the bagging area – but now it’s here, let’s tuck in! Brought to you as always by the furiously febrile funkateers at and the bike-insuring bike insurers Bennetts, this week’s regurgitation of previously held opinions includes:
PLUS! Listeners’ emails, including:
...and introducing our new bike-buying advice section, VFECR800 Corner, including:
Thanks for listening!
...and follow @SimonHbikes and @Mufga on the Twitters, Instas etc